Sunday, March 27, 2011

Really about me

So how did I get to today?  This is the story I think I need to tell and how I got to this point.  Basically it really is about the last two years of my life and the change I was forced to make, but the change that has been a deal maker for me and ended up being what I think was the best thing for me.

On Feb. 23, 2009  I was given the life changing news that the office I had worked for was being consolidated and would be closed in just 3 weeks. Being the office manager it was up to me to be part of the glue.  The worst part of all of this is that because of the nature of our service business is that the service techs. would be staying local, but the office help would be relocated to an office 30 miles away.  The small family of workers was being divided.  And we weren't being given the time to process how this would affect each of us, plus the community that we had provided a service for.  There were a lot of tears, but I was focused on keeping my work family together and trying to reassure them all would be okay.  The next 6 months for me would be the worst.  I was dealing with everyone else and not my own feelings.  I had my manager status taken away from me, but was still asking to lead, but my opinion did not matter to my new boss.  The associates I had been in charge of still looked to me for answers, but I did not have the answers and they could not understand it.  I was being pushed and pulled and for the first time in my life I was finding myself being sick, the headaches were endless and all I did when I got home was sit on the couch.  To top all of this off my youngest daughter was graduating from high school and going to move 3 hours away.  Then I get the call from my oldest daughter and her husband, that they want to move back to their home town and can they live with us till they find jobs and a house.  Some of the happiest times I should be having and are now starting to just make the world around me to crumble.  

Finally I made the choice to find any other job than the one I had and if it meant using my 401K to survive then that is what I would have to do.  Finally I found a job in my home town at the local community college, that my cut my pay in half after much talk with my husband we felt in the best interest of my health and happiness to take the job.  So one week after celebrating 24 years working with the same company I left and started a new adventure. 

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